Today I noticed a little girl had written her name on a table (where she had just been sitting) and when I asked her about it....
Miss Dawn: "Did you write on my table?"
Little Girl: "No."
Miss Dawn: "Are you sure? Please tell me the truth."
Little Girl: "No."
Miss Dawn: " says your name, are you saying that someone ELSE wrote YOUR name on the table?"
Little Girl: "Yes."
Miss Dawn: Sigh....
(Of course we had a nice little talk about respecting property and not telling lies. Just another Monday.)
Last week I overheard the following conversation:
Little Girl: "I am going to marry you."
Little Boy: "What?!"
Little Girl: "When we grow up, I am going to marry you."
Little Boy: "Why?"
Little Girl: "Because I want to."
Little Boy: "I don't think I will marry you."
Little Girl: "You will. When you grow up you will change your mind. I know."
Little Boy: Gave her a look that clearly said, "I'm not nearly as sure as you are....but I think I will just let this go for now."
Oh the innocence of actually think that all ones hopes and dreams will come true, and better yet, in precisely the way you imagined they would. (Oh and to think you can get away with scrawling your name all over a piece of furniture without getting caught!)