Friday, October 31, 2008

Oh Wait!....This IS My LIfe!

I don't know about you but sometimes I get caught up in thinking ONLY about the future. Often I think things like, "My life will start when...." But the other day I realized, "Oh Wait!...This IS my life! And guess what-- it is GREAT!" Is it what I expected my life to be at this point? No. It is nothing like I ever imagined it to be....

I didn't imagine I would feel so much intense pain....but I also didn't imagine I would feel so much joy....
I certainly didn't think I would be 28 (almost) and single (gasp!)......
Nor did I think I would have my own preschool that was so successful....
I wouldn't have believed I would be considering writing a children's book......
I didn't plan on loving 40 kids (who weren't mine) as much as I do.....
I didn't guess at who would still be a part of my life....and who wouldn't....
I didn't hope I would have the struggles that I do...but I also didn't have a clue how strong I could be......
I definately didn't realize the impact my decisions would have on my life...
But mostly I couldn't know how blessed I would feel to have this life.

So my life isn't perfect. And my life isn't what I imagined, or planned. But the truth is that I am grateful for what my life is. So I am going to stop trying to make my life what I thought it should be and start enjoying what my life has to offer.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pig-Tails in Preschool

I have an absolutely adorable little boy in my preschool class who is fascinated by hair. It all started, his mom tells me, when he was just a little baby and loved to play with her hair as he ate or was rocked to sleep.

The other day in preschool we were all sitting at the carpet for class time (singing songs, reading stories, etc.) when this particular little boy caught my attention. His mission was quiet....silent really, and slow I was actually able to observe the whole thing while I led songs.

First he noticed the blond pig-tails on a little girl sitting in front and slightly to the right of him. Soon he was staring at the pig-tails. Then he carefully, almost tentatively, reached out and gently touched the soft, blond pig-tail. The owner of the pig-tails was completely oblivious to the entire thing....she didn't even know he touched her hair. Then he was done and he turned his attention back to me. It was HILARIOUS!!

(This post is dedicated to his cute know who you are. You are a great mom...I hope I can be like you when I grow up!)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I often find myself locked on to a particular task, idea, song, wish, etc. I have come to accept this about myself but this week I have come across something rather ironic...I am currently obsessed with making lists of the things I am obsessed with. I know. So I thought perhaps if I shared my list I would be able to get a laugh and move on. So here ia today's 10 item list of things I am obsessed least they are the things I am obsessed with today. (Oh yeah....making it into a nice round list of 10 items makes me very happy.)

I am obsessed with.....
1. Getting warm (I am SO cold!!)
2. Watching Tina Fey spoof Sarah Palin.....I think I could watch those clips a million times and never stop laughing.
3. Cream potatoes (I would happily eat them for every single meal)
4. Having my fingernails painted red.
5. Learning how to do a good job of painting my own fingernails red. (see item #4)
6. Learning the words to "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" (the Broadway musical version)
7. Making the perfect hot chocolate (see item #1)
8. Cleaning off the build-up of soap that accumulates around the dispensing area of soap containers. (This is all soaps that I come in contact, hand, shampoo, get the idea)
9. The new shoe website Cami told me about where you get free overnight shipping and free return shipping; it is AMAZING. And I found 2 things I had been specifically looking for a LONG time. (In case you are curious those 2 things are a pair of rain boots, and a pair of red dress-ish shoes) And I didn't even want to return anything.
10. Making lists (hence this is sort of a vicious cycle)

Now you have all had a sneak peek into the "obsession center" of my brain....and you're welcome. By the way, do you think there really is an "obsession center" in your brain like the "speech center?" Great something else to be obsessed about.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Outsiders

The other day in Preschool there came THE MOMENT. You see every day there is one moment where the noise level suddenly jumps from the acceptable (7 or below) to the unacceptable (10 or more). Even after years of surveys, consultations, and experiments I have NO idea what causes this moment. My working theory is some sort of telepathy between the kids that goes something like this: "Hey guys let's see if we can't make miss dawn's eyes get big!" then after a few moments: "YAY! We did it!!!"

So anyway we were at this moment and I pulled out one of my handy "teacher" phrases: "Friends, let's remember to use our inside voices, please." It sounds cheesy but it usually works (and if it doesn't I just scream at the top of my lungs that I will sneak into their bedrooms while they are sleeping and steal away all their Halloween Candy if they don't stop RIGHT NOW!...that works too). After I said the nice version, one little boy looked right into my eyes and said,
"Miss Dawn, YOU are outsiding."

Me: "I'm sorry? I don't know what you are trying to tell me. What do you mean?"

Little boy: "You just told us to insiding but you are outsiding."

Good point.

What am I supposed to say to that? Is a 3 year-old really going to understand that I need to use a slightly louder, and authoritative voice to convey important messages...I mean I am the teacher here. (I did attempt to explain this concept to him.) Apparently, though, he's not going to fully understand. I think he left the moment understanding that I am just a big old hypocritical "outsiding" grown-up.

(P.S. this post is dedicated to Alisha...who I know has exerienced the moment lots of fact she handles the moment better than any teacher I know...I aspire to be you!)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mind Control?

Today I told my morning class that we were going to be going on a fiedtrip in a couple of weeks. When I said it 7 super-excited cheers erupted from the kids. I was a little surprised by their reaction considering that they had never been on a preschool fiedtrip before. Then one little boy said, "Um....what is a fieldtrip?" That was the reaction I was expecting.

I thought it so cute and funny that they were SO excited even though they had no idea what I was talking about. It may have had something to do with the excited expression on my face when I told them. The good news is that my plan for mind control is going QUITE well....{insert evil laugh here}.