The other day in Preschool there came THE MOMENT. You see every day there is one moment where the noise level suddenly jumps from the acceptable (7 or below) to the unacceptable (10 or more). Even after years of surveys, consultations, and experiments I have NO idea what causes this moment. My working theory is some sort of telepathy between the kids that goes something like this: "Hey guys let's see if we can't make miss dawn's eyes get big!" then after a few moments: "YAY! We did it!!!"
So anyway we were at this moment and I pulled out one of my handy "teacher" phrases: "Friends, let's remember to use our inside voices, please." It sounds cheesy but it usually works (and if it doesn't I just scream at the top of my lungs that I will sneak into their bedrooms while they are sleeping and steal away all their Halloween Candy if they don't stop RIGHT NOW!...that works too). After I said the nice version, one little boy looked right into my eyes and said,
"Miss Dawn, YOU are outsiding."
Me: "I'm sorry? I don't know what you are trying to tell me. What do you mean?"
Little boy: "You just told us to insiding but you are outsiding."
Good point.
What am I supposed to say to that? Is a 3 year-old really going to understand that I need to use a slightly louder, and authoritative voice to convey important messages...I mean I am the teacher here. (I did attempt to explain this concept to him.) Apparently, though, he's not going to fully understand. I think he left the moment understanding that I am just a big old hypocritical "outsiding" grown-up.
(P.S. this post is dedicated to Alisha...who I know has exerienced the moment lots of fact she handles the moment better than any teacher I know...I aspire to be you!)
Summer 24th
5 years ago
ooooo! I can't wait to post fun preschool moments too! I will start mine the first week of November and I am rather stoked! I love preschool and I love those moments... their little minds are just going going going!
I am honored and humbled at this dedication. You my friend are great and please do not aspire to be like me, I want to be like you!! I miss talking with the kids. Always good for a laugh!! For some reason your own kids are just not the same. Probably because no one comes to pick them up after two hours!! Your the Best!!
I've experienced the moment...not from preschool, but from primary.
I have often contemplated the fact that, if the only knew, they could perform an act of mutiny and over take the class in one swift move. Thank goodness for ignorance.
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