The other day I was at work at the daycare (where I have worked the last 2 or so years for additional income/insurance coverage in addition to my preschool) and I was a part of the following:
A little girl came to me in tears: "Brad scratched me."
Me: "Brad, please come talk to me." He comes quite reluctantly.
Me: "Did you scratch Missy?" He nods his assent. "Why did you scratch her?"
Brad: "Cindy told me to scratch her."
Me: "Cindy, please come talk to me." She comes very reluctantly.
Me: "Cindy, did you tell Brad to scratch Missy?"
Cindy: "No! I told him to scratch the wall."
Me: "If you told him to scratch the wall, why did he scratch Missy?"
Cindy: "Well.....I just forgot to say 'THE WALL.'"
She obvioulsy thought this clever explanation would take care of any did not. It took everything I had not to laugh.
Summer 24th
5 years ago