Sunday, June 22, 2008

I just forgot!

The other day I was at work at the daycare (where I have worked the last 2 or so years for additional income/insurance coverage in addition to my preschool) and I was a part of the following:

A little girl came to me in tears: "Brad scratched me."
Me: "Brad, please come talk to me." He comes quite reluctantly.
Me: "Did you scratch Missy?" He nods his assent. "Why did you scratch her?"
Brad: "Cindy told me to scratch her."
Me: "Cindy, please come talk to me." She comes very reluctantly.
Me: "Cindy, did you tell Brad to scratch Missy?"
Cindy: "No! I told him to scratch the wall."
Me: "If you told him to scratch the wall, why did he scratch Missy?"
Cindy: "Well.....I just forgot to say 'THE WALL.'"

She obvioulsy thought this clever explanation would take care of any did not. It took everything I had not to laugh.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

It's Just a Matter of Time

Last Sunday I taught my mom's primary class for her while she was in Monticello. I enjoy teaching primary-but I am glad that I don't have to do it every week! During singing time the music leader gave each child a cookie--YAY! I asked my class to wait until we got into our classroom to eat their cookie (I was thinking it would be a great way to "eat" up a few minutes of lesson time that I wouldn't have to fill!) So we were all munching away when one little boy dropped a piece of his cookie onto the ground,

Me: "Oh, that is yucky now. Throw that part in the garbage."
Little boy: Obviously hesitating: "But..."
Me: "I know, but you should probably just thow it away."
Little boy: "But is hasn't even been on the ground for 10 minutes yet!!"

Sunday, June 1, 2008

April 2009!

I just wanted to let everyone know that the dates for Wicked to play in Salt Lake City are officially announced. Wicked will be here from April 8, 2009 to May 3, 2009 at the Capitol Theater. Unfortunately, tickets are not yet on sale....but don't worry I will probably be checking everyday because I think there would be nothing worse than missing Wicked when it is so close to home!! I am so excited! Only 312 days to go!!