Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!

I know that you are all extremely faithful readers of my amazing blog....and being such you will know that in the past I have been "less than excited" to get older. (and by "less than excited" of course I mean "completely depressed and hateful of everyone and everything.") But not this year! I do realize that I am older today but I just don't care! Seriously. I couldn't be happier about being 29 today. So when I had this conversation I did not burst into tears and consider getting Botox....I just laughed. Out loud. And my class thought I was nuts.

Little Boy: "Tomorrow is your birthday?"
Me: "That's right."
Little Girl #1: "How old are you gonna be?"
Me: "29."
Little Girl #2: "That's old."
Little Boy: "Are you gonna die?"
Me: "Do you think I am going to die?"
90% of the class nodded
Me: "Why?"
Little Girl #1: "Cause you are SO OLD!"
Little Girl #2: "Who is gonna be our teacher when you die?"
Me: (through the laughter and trying to scrawl this on a sticky note) "I am NOT dying. So I will continue to be your teacher."
Little Girl #3: "Ok." (said in complete disbelief with a look on her face that clearly said I was delusional.)
Won't they be surprised to see me tomorrow morning....alive and SO OLD!!


Lindsay said...

Duh- everyone knows you aren't super old until you turn December of 2009 :)

Teisha said...

Happy Birthday! I can't believe they thought you were going to die lol! I think when I turn 29 this year it won't be a big deal for me either. Cuz at least I'm still in my twenties:)

Blue eyed girlie :) said...

Lol, I'm relatively new to this whole blogging thing, but I found your blog, and this made me laugh and smile.
Happy Birthday by the way.

Amy said...

Ha, ha! So funny! Hope you had a very happy birthday!

HWHL said...

This is very cute. I remember when my son was in kindergarten his teacher asked how old he thought I was and he said "At least 14." :)
Kids. They have NO concept of age. :)
Hope you had a nice birthday!

My Personal Journey said...

This was great! My daughter is a teacher as well, I love to hear the stories!
I would love to follow your blog, It s great!
Have a Blessed week!

Whitney Black said...
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