So the past couple days in preschool have had a few funny moments that I thought I would share:
Moment #1:
Miss Dawn "My friends should be sitting on their bums with their arms folded." (trying to get them to focus)
Little Boy: "Miss Dawn! I CAN'T do that!"
Miss Dawn: "And why not?"
Little Boy: "I can't sit on my thumbs AND fold my arms!!"
Moment #2:
Little Girl: (addressing the whole class) "You better listen to Miss Dawn!! Don't you know the reindeers are seeing if we are good?!"
note: I have not said anything about Christmas yet....let alone threats of Santa's wrath.
Moment #3:
This week we were learning about the letter "U" so we were naming things that start with that and I said umbrella. Then a little girl starts singing "ella, ella, a, a, a, a, a!" These are the lyrics to a popular pop song and she was totally dancing while she belted them out.
Moment #4:
Little Boy: "Miss Dawn can I use markers?"
Miss Dawn: "No. You can use the crayons that are out."
Little Boy: "Well, there are no more crayons left."
Miss Dawn: "Oh really?" (I of course know that there are 4 rubber-maid boxes FULL of crayons). I turn and look, "I see a bunch of crayons right there."
Little Boy: "I guess I meant that I don't want to use crayons."
Miss Dawn: "I guess you did mean that, but the answer is still no markers."
Moment #5
A little girl walked up to me and said "Hold have a spot" as she licked her pointer finger and proceeded to rub her finger back and forth on my chin. Then she looked upset and so I asked, "Is it not coming off?"
She shook her head and I said "It's called a freckle. I have a lot of them, and they don't come off."
It was a little gross....but SO cute. And the cute totally outweighed the gross.
These are the moments when I wish there was a camera constantly recording the goings on of the preschool.
Summer 24th
5 years ago
Gotta love those "kids say the darndest things" moments. BTW, I guess you figured out I am a slacker about the Christmas cards. Bad news, (for me) My nephews bday party is that night...meh. Sorry I won't make it!
lol! Those are awesome! You have motivated me to post the emails that I send home every week to my parents about the highlights of the week! I am doing it! Watch out.
I always lick my finger and clean off my kids faces. one time I had something on my face and they did it ot me, I was like oooo, gross, then Ethan says that's what you do to me. I still do it though. Too funny. LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL, I think that covers it!
Thanks for sharing some of the fun moments.
Don't you just love kids. I think it is so awesome that you document these things. My kids at school occasionally say and do funny things but I have never thought to write them down. Good Idea!
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