Friday, March 13, 2009


During preschool we usually take a few minutes to stretch our muscles and breathe deep (especially when any one of us needs to calm down!). This is what happened one recent afternoon during stretching time:

Miss Dawn, "Put your legs out straight then reach way down and grab your toes."

One little boy complained, "Miss Dawn! I can't grab my toes, I can't even touch my toes!"

His friend who was sitting next to him immideatly thought of a solution, "I will touch them for you!" And he reached over and grabbed onto his friend's toes.

The first little boy grinned, "Thanks for your help!"

What thoughtful little boys!


Monique said...

That is totally sweet! Did your package come yet??

ali-dot-e said...

I am finally catchig up on all of my bloggin buddies! I love this post! If I ever can't touch my toes dawn, will you come touch them for me? Oh wait, I can't touch my toes NOW (are you busy?)