I don't know about you but sometimes I get caught up in thinking ONLY about the future. Often I think things like, "My life will start when...." But the other day I realized, "Oh Wait!...This IS my life! And guess what-- it is GREAT!" Is it what I expected my life to be at this point? No. It is nothing like I ever imagined it to be....
I didn't imagine I would feel so much intense pain....but I also didn't imagine I would feel so much joy....
I certainly didn't think I would be 28 (almost) and single (gasp!)......
Nor did I think I would have my own preschool that was so successful....
I wouldn't have believed I would be considering writing a children's book......
I didn't plan on loving 40 kids (who weren't mine) as much as I do.....
I didn't guess at who would still be a part of my life....and who wouldn't....
I didn't hope I would have the struggles that I do...but I also didn't have a clue how strong I could be......
I definately didn't realize the impact my decisions would have on my life...
But mostly I couldn't know how blessed I would feel to have this life.
So my life isn't perfect. And my life isn't what I imagined, or planned. But the truth is that I am grateful for what my life is. So I am going to stop trying to make my life what I thought it should be and start enjoying what my life has to offer.
Summer 24th
5 years ago