Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Well today is mother's day and so I post in honor of my mom today...even though this is not a typical mother's day post. I will share a preschool story that is my mom's favorite story (and she has been telling me to blog it for a couple of weeks now.) So here is what could have been overheard in preschool several weeks ago.

Little Boy: "Miss Dawn how does a volcano make?"
Miss Dawn (thinking: um..I should take a geology refresher course) "Well, there is stuff called magma deep down in the ground. And it is really hot, and when it gets SUPER hot it can't hold still anymore and it bursts out of the ground out of a hole that it can find."
Little Boy: "But like how does the volcano make?" (gesturing a mountain-like gesture)
Miss Dawn: "Oh do you mean the mountain part of the volcano?"
Little Boy: "Yeah."
Miss Dawn: "Well the magma comes up and then it cools when it gets out of the earth and after a lot of it comes out and cools then it builds up a mountain-like thing."
Little Boy: Obviously frustrated with my stupidity, "I will just google it when I get home."
Miss Dawn: "Sounds like a good idea-let me know what you find out!" (shoulders shrugging)

So happy mother's day to my own fantastic mom and to all the moms out there who must "google" things for their 4 year olds!

1 comment:

Tera said...

Kids say the funniest things! I can't believe a 4 year old said that--no wait--yes I can. There are A LOT of things I need to "google" for my 3rd graders because by that age they are too lazy to do it themselves!