Friday, October 31, 2008

Oh Wait!....This IS My LIfe!

I don't know about you but sometimes I get caught up in thinking ONLY about the future. Often I think things like, "My life will start when...." But the other day I realized, "Oh Wait!...This IS my life! And guess what-- it is GREAT!" Is it what I expected my life to be at this point? No. It is nothing like I ever imagined it to be....

I didn't imagine I would feel so much intense pain....but I also didn't imagine I would feel so much joy....
I certainly didn't think I would be 28 (almost) and single (gasp!)......
Nor did I think I would have my own preschool that was so successful....
I wouldn't have believed I would be considering writing a children's book......
I didn't plan on loving 40 kids (who weren't mine) as much as I do.....
I didn't guess at who would still be a part of my life....and who wouldn't....
I didn't hope I would have the struggles that I do...but I also didn't have a clue how strong I could be......
I definately didn't realize the impact my decisions would have on my life...
But mostly I couldn't know how blessed I would feel to have this life.

So my life isn't perfect. And my life isn't what I imagined, or planned. But the truth is that I am grateful for what my life is. So I am going to stop trying to make my life what I thought it should be and start enjoying what my life has to offer.


Monique said...

You hit the nail on the head. Those are all of our things. We can always find the negative. It's the happy people who can find hte positive every once in a while. No one can ALWAYS find ALL the positive ALL the time. . . . right? At least I haven't met that person yet... you are right up there

Amy said...

Very well spoken. I couldn't agree more!

Clinton and Michelle said...

I love what you said. It helps give me insight on my own life. Thanks for sharing, you genius.

Mandy said...

I think you have found the key to in the journey.

Tera said...

What a great reflection on life! If only I could be as positive as you are. I have a saying on my wall. It says "be grateful for this moment...this moment is your life." We should all be grateful for where we are and just embrace it.

ali-dot-e said...

I love you dawn!! Maybe you and I should switch lives for a day. Because I keep thinking that my life will start (or I will be grown up when...) My husband has a good enough job to afford a house. Or I will be happier when I can teach again, or I will be happier when Emilee grows up, stuff like that. But it is all how we take it. Thanks for the reminder!! Love ya!

Notme said...

What a great post. I also think Landon would take you over me every day. I'm thinking about doing a blog post about how Ms Dawn is magic because for some reason, you can get him to listen. ( He also had a scary dream and he woke up screaming saying" There's Whales at Miss Dawn's house, we have to go now!"