Friday, January 30, 2009

Are You Smarter Than A Preschooler?

Yesterday I had the following exchange with a very sweet little boy (although this particular moment probably could not be classified as sweet.....)

Little Boy: "Miss Dawn, ah you smaht?"
(He doesn't pronounce his "R's" very well yet which makes the whole thing that much cuter!)

Me: "Well what do you think?"
(This is a favorite response of mine to questions because then I get to hear funny things...)

Little Boy: "I fink you ah not smaht."

Me: "Why do think I am not smart?"

Little Boy: "Cause I am so smaht! And you ah not."

Then today was another funny moment when it was time for show and tell. One little girl stood up during her turn to display a blue paper heart she had cut out. Then I asked her to tell us about her show and was then things started to feel more like a testimony meeting than a show and tell;

Little Girl: "I got this heart because it is valentine's time. I know that valentine's time is special because it is a time you can show others that you love them."

I was just waiting for her to say that she also knows the Book of Mormon is true, maybe at the next show and tell....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I am all about efficiency.
When you can do more than one thing at a time....great!
When you can delegate something you don't really want to do....awesome!
When you can make the most of those 5 spare minutes....amazing!
When you can get your point across with a minimum of effort....spectacular!

But there is a point that even I have not gotten to yet...word combining. Today a little 3 year old in preschool taught me all about it:

"Look Miss Dawn! I am sitting Craplesauce!"

"Wow....that's great. You are sitting criss-cross applesauce."

"No. I am sitting's easier."

How can I argue with that? I can't. Espeically with this little guy who also FIRMLY believes that his heart is located above his right ear and cannot be convinced otherwise. He even used the real stethescope to "listen" to it and when I asked what it sounded like he replied "Bum-Bum-Bum." (I had thought NOT hearing his heartbeat there would help to convince luck.)

So from now on watch out for more efficiency from me.......

Friday, January 23, 2009

Barack Obama:

As Seen Through The Eyes of Preschoolers

My "Big-Kid Class" was all a buzz with conversation about our new President. I think they are mostly intrigued by his sure does have a ring to it doesn't it? And what kid (or grow-up) wouldn't want to practice saying it a few hundred times? I swear I heard his name (or an attempt at saying his name) at least 50 times.

Here are a few of the comments they made:

RACHEL: "Well I saw him on TV cause he won. But my family didn't want him to."

NICK: "Was he the guy with the red tie or the blue tie?"

EVAN: "He is in charge of the whole country."

MICHELLE: (in response to evan) "No he is in charge of the whole world!"

EVAN: "No he's not....that's Jesus!"

JANET: "He's the nicest prophet ever."

Miss Dawn: "No....he's not the prophet. Barack Obama is the President of where we live...President Monson is the President of the Church."

JANET: "Well, which one is the more important President?"

Miss Dawn: "Ummm..."

KYLIE: "Duh....President Monson!!"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

HDVRDD (My Disorder)

There are not many of you who know about the disorder I struggle with every single day of my life. I have never been great at sharing the hard things in life, but recently I have thought that perhaps my honesty and openness on the matter might be able to help others who are struggling with the same issues. So I will now say that I do in fact suffer from HDVRDD.

There are many symptoms associated with my disorder, and it seems (quite sadly) that I suffer from nearly all of them. These symptoms include:

*automatically reaching for the television remote every time a commercial comes on no matter what.

*having a strong feeling of anger (or even hatred) when the "viewing live TV" button appears on the television

*deliberately pausing live television just to be able to fast-forward through commercials later.

*a general, and overwhelming, need to record everything that looks even slightly interesting on the program guide.

*a giddy-ness followed by giggling when one realizes that they have actually NOT been viewing live television. Typically because one is excited that they will be able to fast-forward for anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes.

*an avoidance of all non-approved television sets

*feeling a strange sensation in one's "rewinding finger" every time that someone says something like "what did that character, or television personality just say?" or "what strange thing did I just see?"

*random throwing of non-approved remote controls, which can often result in the damage of property or other people.

*language additions that many people do not understand, including "I plan to dvr that!" or "will you please dvr that for me?" or "I dvr-ed it!"

So it is true....I suffer from "Hyperactive DVR Desire Disorder" (also known as HDVRDD). I am organizing a fund-raising event to fight this fast spreading disorder from ruining any more lives...I will keep you posted. Your love and support are greatly appreciated.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


The new year is here with all it's exciting promises of "new-ness" and "change." And to that I say "BLAH!" What is the deal with these resolutions anyway? Isn't all this just another way for society to stick it to me, to remind me of all the things that I am not doing that I should be doing? Yes. I think that is exactly what society and the new year are trying to do. Well guess what society and the new year....the joke is on you, because I already know that I am a slacker. Because of all this I have decided that setting challenging, and insightful resolutions is SO last year. These are MY new year's resolutions:

1. Drink caffiene.
2. Spend too much money on lip-gloss and nail polish.
3. Be a preschool teacher.

And by the way, I totally rock because it is only January 8th and I have already reached all of my goals. So now all of you get to feel terrible that I am SO accomplished and you have to wait months to be able to check off anything from your list.

Take that New Year!