Monday, August 25, 2008

Too Late!

The other day I was tending Emma and Pratt when Emma and I had the following conversation:

Emma: "Auntie Dawn, I want to see the picture of you in your pretty white dress." (She indicated to one of Cami's wedding pictures.)

Me: "Emma, I don't have a picture like that because that picture was taken when your mommy and daddy got married, and I am not married."

Emma: "Oh. Do you want to get married?"

Me: "Um, if someday I met someone who I really loved and they really loved me, then maybe we would get married."

Emma: After thinking about it for a moment, "Well, isn't it too late."
(I didn't know that 6 year-olds knew how to ask rhetorical questions.)

Me: (answering anyway) "No, I don't think so. I'm really not THAT old you know."

And with that Emma shrugged and trotted off to play.


Lindsay said...

Oh how I love those awkward questions from children, like when they ask me if I am growing a baby in my tummy......and I am not. Or when they tell me I look 35.....and I am not. It is those special little moments that make you so much more confident about yourself. I cant wait until James can start asking me questions like that. :) And for the record it is never too late! And definently NOT at 28!

Lindsay said...

Sorry I meant almost 28.....yeah. I couldnt go back and fix that.

Monique said...

I hear that there are very available and marriage worthy males in Hungary. ahem. (psst! That was an invite.)

ali-dot-e said...

Too late? It is never to late for your knight in shining armor to come sweep you off of your feet...that is the way it happens right???

Dawn said...

Re: Lindsay's Comment: Thanks for the age clarification. :) and I can't wait for when James is six and he and I have the same, yet slightly sadder, conversation.

Re: Alisha's Comment: Yes I am still waiting dilligently for my knight. And just to clarify my knight is 6 foot 4 inches tall, independently wealthy and preferably orphaned. :)

Lindsay said...

Oh dawn- it has been a long time since I have laughed out loud for that long....I love it. I dont think James will even notice as long as you dont start collecting cats (or frogs!ha ha) and smelling funny :)