Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pie Karma

I generally believe in Karma...just last week I let someone with only one item to laminate cut in line because I had like 200 items to laminate. While the results were not immediate I am confidant that this lamination Karma will catch up with me eventually.

Tonight I discovered a new, and very relevant, type of Karma. Pie Karma. (In case you didn't know we Washburns place a rather large emphasis on all things dessert.) So here is what happened to bring about this discovery.

Not long after we had finished eating it was time to break out the pie.

Mom: "What kind of pie does everyone want? I have apple, rhubarb, and peach."

It seemed that everyone was saying "peach." This concerned me because that is the only kind of pie I like.

Cami: "I want peach with whipped cream."

Me: "Um..Cami you like apple pie so why don't you eat that? I know you like apple pie and I only like peach so why don't you leave the peach for me?"

Cami: "Well, I do like apple pie. But if I eat peach pie now, I know mom will give me the apple pie when I go home."

Me: "That hardly seems fair." But what was I to do....absolutely nothing. So I ate my peach pie.

Later that evening as everyone prepared to leave my mom began to hand out the leftovers for everyone else to take home.

Mom: "Brent would you guys like some apple pie to take home?"

Brent: "Yeah."

Cami: "NO! I am taking home the apple pie."

Mom: "There is plenty of apple pie, you can both have some. I also have rhubarb so you can take some of that too."

Cami: "I don't like rhubarb."

Cami was not happy about this situation, and that was the moment that Karma hit, but not just any Karma.....



Monique said...

mmmmm. I am making pies this weekend for Brandon's b-day. What IS up with the Washburns and desserts? I LOVE IT really. Sorry for the sore throat. Your mom is awesome to put up with you whiners. . . :) This is what I would have said, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit or you don't get squat!" Yes, that was a shout out to one of my favorite ladies EVER. tu madre.

Lindsay said...

Yeah Pie Karma! And you and I both should band against Cami and her pie hogging and eat all the apple next time!

Camille said...

Oh, how Dawn likes to tell a good story. Here is my side of the story. I never thought to take home the entire apple pie for myself. I just wanted a piece or two, and we all know that fresh peach pie doesn't keep as well as apple pie, that is why a chose to eat the peach pie right away. And besides Dawn knows my favorite dessert ever is apple pie. All of this was everyone, not just myself, making sure they got their 'piece of the proverbial pie.' But if Dawn wants to believe in pie karma...what is that I smell? Oh, it a very yummy apple pie that my mom made just for me, in my oven, and I am not sharing with anyone!(=