Tera tagged me with what I think is a rather difficult tag--
5 Things That Not Many People Know About Me Or That Are Unique To Me:
1. I am fascinated by this TLC show "Mystery Diagnosis" where everyone on the show starts by having a bad headache as their symptom and then they end up having some impossible to pronounce disease that only like 1 in 20 billion people get. And while I am not a hypochondriac-I do spend HOURS completely terrified that I will get whatever random disease I heard about recently.I should probably stop watching that show.
2. I love to look at baby clothes in the store but I refuse to buy them because I think it is bad baby karma (you know if I buy the clothes I will never have a baby) but then I think about the outfits for days and lament that probably when I do have kids the clothes available then won't be half so cute as that one outfit I didn't buy. Sad Sigh.
3. Now that I am only working 1 job I feel like the biggest slacker on the earth. I think that I am wasting my day from 3:30-10:00pm. Lindsay suggested I get a hobby--but I can't think of one...at least one that doesn't cost a ton of money.
4. I think my best feature is my blue eyes. I love the way they look when I go to the effort of applying eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. I can't fathom leaving my room without AT LEAST mascara on.
5. My favorite place in the store (namely Target) is the organization section. I will often go stand there, look at all the beautiful containers, smell the wonderful organized smell (yes there is a smell if you are in tune to it) and let my thoughts drift to how I would use each of these marvels of plastic in my life. Happy Sigh.
So now I am supposed to Tag 5 people. So I Tag Lindsay, Kelsi, The Manzuscrpiters, Alisha and Amy Johnson. :)
Summer 24th
5 years ago
You are my kind of girl with the organizing. Why it brings so much joy to my life I dont know- but I wish that it brought more joy to Brent. I guess it just gives me more to do!
Dawn, you are no slacker, that is for sure. But if you want hobby ideas, how about fly fishing? You do live awfuly close to Cabellas. :)
Dawn, I don't have much to do from 4:00 on. Maybe we should find some hobbies together. Let me know what you come up with! Love the Monday movie idea!
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